- 劍橋大學 University of Cambridge:INTJ
- 牛津大學 University of Oxford:ISTJ
- 倫敦政治經濟學院 LSE:ENTJ
- 倫敦大學學院 UCL:ENTP
- 倫敦帝國學院 Imperial College London:ENTJ
- 倫敦國王學院 King’s College London:ENTJ
- 布里斯托爾大學 University of Bristol:INFJ
- 巴斯大學 University of Bath:INTP
- 杜倫大學 Durham University:INTP
- 聖安德魯大學 University of St Andrews:INTJ
- 哈佛大學 Harvard University:ENTJ
- 耶魯大學 Yale University:ENFJ
- 史丹佛大學 Stanford University:ENTP
- 麻省理工 MIT:INTP
- 普林斯頓大學 Princeton University:INTJ
- 加州大學柏克萊分校 UC Berkeley:ENTP
- 哥倫比亞大學 Columbia University:ENFJ
- 芝加哥大學 University of Chicago:INTJ
- 康乃爾大學 Cornell University:INFP
- 布朗大學 Brown University:ENFP
資料來源: Universities MBTI Personality Types
除此之外,也有網友在線上問答網站 Quora 分享MBTI16型人格中值得讓人學習的優點:
享受樂趣、放飛自我,不去擔心其他事情!也許會因為舉辦一個原本沒打算要辦的派對而讓爸媽生氣,但……付出的代價很小,對吧?How to have fun and not worry about it, how to let yourself go, loosen up. Probably also how to get in trouble with your parents for hosting a party you didn’t intend to, but… small price to pay, right?
如何走出家門做一些令人興奮的事情,突破自己的極限,以及如何保持冷靜和領導鎮上每一個深夜暴民。並盡可能遠離警察。How to get out and do something exciting, push your limits, how to be cool, how to lead every late night mob that’s out on the town. And probably get away from the police.
如何讓自己靜下心來感受,好好地表達出來,然後靜靜地對任何東西微笑。How to let yourself feel deeply and let yourself get it out, express yourself, and then smile quietly to no one in particular afterwards.
有些情況需要立即、果斷的行動,當別無選擇時,你就必須去做。How some situations call for immediate, decisive action, and when nothing else will do, you just gotta do it, stupid.
如何給每個人溫暖的抱抱,讓人們有賓至如歸的感覺;如何對剛認識的人表達善意和付出以及如何擁有太多聯絡人以致你的手機記憶體不夠用。How to give great hugs to everyone, how to make people feel at home, how to love and give to someone you just met, and how to have too many contacts for your phone’s data storage.
如何組織周遭環境、規劃、並完成工作,想辦法利用周遭人力和其他資源。How to organize the world around you, how to plan and get things done, using the people and other resources right where you are.
如何無條件地愛人和服務人群,不要求任何回報。是的,ISFJ 是無條件愛的大師。How to love and serve people without wanting anything in return. Yes, ISFJ’s are masters of unrequited love.
制度和規則是個好東西。ISTJ 能教你如何組織安排並詳細計劃。用他們的方法,出錯的事情就會少得多。That order and rules can be a good thing. The ISTJ can teach you how to be organized, how to plan thoroughly. It’s amazing how many fewer things go wrong that way.
學會如何取勝,如何讓腦海中的想法成為現實,並讓其他人提早去世,因此學會如何成為世界上最夭壽但最有效率的老闆。How to win, how to make the ideas in your head a reality and give those of others a premature death, and thus how to be the world’s scariest, but most effective, boss.
事情並不像一般人想的那麼簡單,每個想法和思維都有無數的用途、無數的組成;當然,也包含了無數的爭議。How nothing is as simple as we make it and every idea, every thought has a million uses, a millions parts, and, of course, a million arguments.
如何永遠(或是幾乎)不犯錯,如何對一切都有答案(一個很長的答案),如何每天不經意間在腦子裡寫出十頁的文章,以及如何用表情把人嚇壞。How to never be wrong, how to have an answer (a long one) for everything, how to routinely write ten-page essays in your head without even noticing, how to scare people out of their minds with your facial expression.
如何對一切事物都有所了解,並聰明到立刻脫穎而出;還有如何忘記你的汽車鑰匙、手機、錢包和護照,但仍然記得你即將去的國家的每一位著名數學家和他們的全部作品。How to know a lot about everything, how to be so smart you immediately stand out from any crowd, how to forget your car keys, your phone, your wallet and you passport but still remember every famous mathematician and the entirety of their works from the country you’re going to.
如何承擔大量的責任,處理它、並享受它;以及如何在五分鐘內讓人們對你產生好感,並在十分鐘內將他們與你認識的其他七個人聯繫起來;還有如何給你老師一個藉口,說你沒做作業是因為你得幫助你的朋友,然後你忘我地幫助了班上每個人。How to take on a ton of responsibilities, handle it, and enjoy it, how to endear yourself to people in five minutes and connect them to seven other people you know in ten, how to give your teacher the excuse that you didn’t do your homework because you had to help your friends with their homework and then you got carried away and helped everyone in the class.
接受人們當下的樣子,為每個人和情況找到令人興奮的潛力。How to love people where they are and find exciting possibilities for every person and situation.
如何在壓抑自己的情感的同時默默關心其他人的情緒,以及如何讀懂他人並進入他們的內心,如何在不經意間對從總統到陌生人進行心理分析。How to care deeply about other people and their emotions while bottling your own, how to read into other people and get inside them, how to psychoanalyze everyone from the President to random strangers without even noticing.
學會相信萬物皆有靈,甚至是你剛踩到的那根棍子;以及如何悄悄地讓每次談話都多一點體貼,還有如何同情每個人,因為如果他們能同情一根棍子,他們也能同情你。How believe everything has feelings, even the stick you just stepped on, how to quietly make every conversation a little more considerate, how to sympathize with everyone, because if they can sympathize with a stick, they can sympathize with you.